#eye #eye

Bluetooth Receiver
Liam Mccombie

we drove to the station together. you were leaving early because you had things to do back in Sydney. I just wanted to spend more time with you and I wanted you to know this, but didn't want you to feel bad for leaving so I kept my mouth shut. on the drive there you played your favourite music and we listened to it over the bluetooth receiver. the country radio signals interfered with the FM preset but neither of us really minded the static melding with the music. when we got to the station your train was supposed to be coming in any minute. I wanted to pause time right there and sit with you in the car, even if we too had to be paused and sit together stagnant, unaware of the stillness. the air was warm and sedating. I didn't want to have to say goodbye and watch you disappear behind the brick wall guarding the platform. we held hands knowing we had to let go and travel back in separate directions. I wanted to split myself in two. you got out of the car and shut the door behind you, waving back at me, smiling as you turned and disappeared behind the gates. I felt the thickness, the absence of your radiance lingering in the passenger seat. so vivid it felt like a presence in itself, I sat in the car quietly with your residual imprint. I thought maybe if I kept your seat out of my field of vision, it could be like you were still there with me. "bluetooth disconnected", the receiver warned me, confirming the distance between us as I sat and watched your train slowly pull away from the station…


  Video work by Liam Mccombie, titled “con3n’etc” available on vimeo

Liam McCombie is an artist currently learning and playing on Wangal land. his practice fixates on juxtapositions and symmetries in everyday life, with acts of noticing, collecting and documenting always looming and informing his work. he is currently excited by experiments in moving image and sound, and exploring writing for its indirect and abstract potential.